
Thank you for choosing Creatively Cannon! You are supporting a hard-working single mom and amazing boy/girl twins.

I, Beth Cannon, started Creatively Cannon in 2018 as a way to support my little family and also be a part of it. Before my kids, Holden and Haillie, I could get by financially with a regular 9-5 job. After they were born, I realized that daycare was literally going to eat my entire paycheck. So, I quit my job and packed up two 6 week old babies and moved back home to San Antonio, TX. My amazing parents had a new old home waiting for the 3 of us. I can never thank them enough for taking us in while I figured out what to do. So, I started searching high and low for a job that would pay enough for 2 daycare bills in addition to living expenses....I'm still looking. Even with a Bachelor's degree and some experience under my belt, I have yet to find anyone who will take me on. While I love being home with my babies and getting to watch them grow, I had to do something to bring in some income (and I was going a little stir crazy too.) Thus, Creatively Cannon was born.

I had always dreamed of running my own B***S*** shop, filled with all the random things I've made over the years. I started researching more than I care to admit and finally landed on starting with jewelry and hopefully one day home décor. I have always been a crafty person. I love turning plain and drab into something beautiful. I feel like most everything can be made beautiful with a little paint and maybe some glitter. So, now during nap time and after my munchkins go to bed at night, I get to dream up new, beautiful creations for others to enjoy. Let me bring a little pretty into your life.